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FPU Pavilion, Faculty of Applied Arts Belgrade, 2021

The thematic framework of the semester assignment was to represent the institution where we studied - the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade (srb. FPU - Fakultet Primenjenih Umetnosti). The task was to design a temporary structure of the multifunctional pavilion as a zone of interaction, gathering, and promotion of all that takes place within the faculty...

Both pavilion projects were done at about the same time, so I followed the similar idea that I had for the 'Pixel library'. Use of modular elements in order to enable students to play with them and have the opportunity to hold frequent exhibitions while changing formations of the pavilion, and always making a new experience out of it. The modules are made of steel mesh, and they can be connected to each other with specially designed “click” connections. This means that the assembly is very simple and the students themselves could install the pavilion. The web form also provides countless ways for setting additional content, such as hanging posters or horizontal panels for exhibiting objects...

The overlap of the elements creates confusion due to the network in which the form gets seemingly lost. By painting and arranging elements from the darkest to the lightest blue from the bottom to the top, I tend to make the illusion of the pavilion gradually disappearing in the sky, which adds another note for interpreting the connection of the form and faculty it represents.

Irena Milovic Portfolio; BA Interior and Furniture Design; MA Spatial Design

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